Thursday, June 29, 2017

What Happened At #VidConUS 2017? / Sargon of Akkad

Sargon, at 29:32 I really feel the need to say something. I've been subscribed to you for a while, haven't heard all of your videos (yet), but if I had to describe you in one word, that one word would be "gentleman." I am dismayed by the thought that Patreon would want to distance itself from your content. On what possible basis could they object to it? You are reliably civil and reasonable. I hope that doesn't sound like damnation with faint praise, because those are getting to be rare traits. I'll listen to the rest of your video, but I felt the need to say how astonished I was by the treatment you've received and to praise you for the patience and restraint you've shown in your response to this unprovoked abuse.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Reason Why We Can't Live Forever

This was different. The following comment wasn't merely ghosted. The system wouldn't even let me post it. When I clicked the reply button, the box and the button partially faded out and then came back, but nothing posted. Never a dull moment with Google's software, is there? Though, given the number of Indian names on their staff listings, I must admit that I wonder if somebody might have deliberately built a booby trap into the software in case somebody posted a sentence to be found in the quoted would-be comment below, as an act of prior restraint. If, as I say that, I sound like I'm saying that I don't trust the people at Google to wield their power in an honorable manner, that's only because I don't. This was what I would have said, had I not been blocked.

"This is going to sound cold to some, but I'm going to say it anyway. F**k the Third World. I'm tired, very tired of hearing about what we're morally obligated to give up just because they wouldn't exercise a little restraint in reproducing."

in response to a comment that global overpopulation meant that human beings in the West had no right to want to live past 200. This is where my comment would have appeared

and I stand behind that comment, no matter how it might make somebody in Calcutta or Rio feel. Personal responsibility for personal choices isn't just valid at the individual level, it is valid at the civilizational level as well. Demands from India or China (or people living in those lands) that the West make sacrifice after sacrifice so that the people in their own countries be spared the natural consequences of their spiraling population growth are illegitimate, and as the Western countries currently have birth rates below replacement level, arguments that the West is contributing to that problem are laughable.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Why I can't do one night stands (w/Matthew Hussey) / Anna Akana

This is sad. Anna, you are beautiful, charming, funny, articulate, at the very least faiirly intelligent and young - if only you were not perceived as being a gold digger, you'd never have trouble finding a boyfriend. You'd probably have no trouble finding a husband you'd be pleased with. But you had to be materialistic and refuse to see why that is a problem. You can't be selfish in relationships without that selfishness coming back to you.

See: here. That's where the comment should be visible but, not, it isn't, because management just won't admit that something doesn't work.