Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Youtube really crossed a line, this time. In this comment, Scarlett Boswell wrote

"If they sign a liability form stating they will take care of any adverse effects cost then they probably can require them. They are not able!"

to which I replied

What if the adverse effect is death? How do they "take care" of that? This is an experimental medical technology based on gene alteration, not a vaccine in the usual sense of the word, and it has been fast tracked past the usual clinical testing process because the government wanted to cater to an irrationally panicky public. If you take it, you're a guinea pig.

There's nothing that I just told you that is open to serious debate. Find your physician and ask him, and he'll tell you what I just told you. No. The reasonable thing to do is to refuse, and if the school won't accept that, then go on a leave of absence until they come to their senses.

and found that my comment had been ghosted. This is unforgivable. I'm trying to warn this woman of a possible threat to her survival, and this piece of censorware that has been passed off as a spam filter has prevented me from doing so, potentially putting Ms. Boswell in danger. The question is how to respoond to this ethically. If I lived in a world that offered me a great many opportunities to earn an honest living, my answer would be a simple one: I'd boycott Youtube. Permanently. This would have been the breaking point. If I ever do get a real job, this will have been that breaking point. I'll immediately put my channel on indefinite hiatus. But even as somebody who is destitute and can't turn his nose up at the possibility of income, even it involves working with a company I've come to view with loathing, I can still do something and will.

While I do have to make money in order to eat and pay rent, I don't have to make as much money as humanly possible. Therefore, as a user, I can still punish Youtube for what they've been doing. I am a far better mathematician, scientist and engineer than I will probably ever be a story writer or a director. If I were working for Youtube and I noticed that I had me as a user (yes, it's a surreal image), I'd know exactly what sort of content I'd hope that PhD candidate would submit to my company's site. I'd want that kid to submit his technical videos, because that's where the real ad revenue would be. That's the kind of content I will never post to Youtube because of what just happened. Every serious video I do will be posted to another website, and if that means I can't monetize them, oh well.

A site full of almost nothing but goofy, amateurish skits (and the bootlegged commercial some users post) would be a site that nobody would take seriously as a source of medical or other scientific information. I'm not a great writer, but I'm a decent one at least, so the ad revenue I can get from posting non-serious work (stories, recipes) will probably be enough to keep me in rice and beans, while I look for a new place to live. One of the things I intend to do, to help put myself in a position in which I need not make so many moral compromises, is to finally move out of Chicago, to a place with a more reasonable and generally better job market. I used to wonder what living in the middle of a major city would be like. Now I know, and between what I've seen out of the people in Chicago, and our friends from San Franscisco working in social media, I'm thinking that city life, like city people, has long been overrated.

I'm going to try to find myself a nice small college town to live near, not in, get a real job there, and turn my back on woke urban nonsense forever.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Young Turks / Confederate Statue Smashed By Protesters (VIDEO)

At 4:38 I realized that Cenk was defending lawlessness and vandalism and I got tired of listening. As for having monuments to the fallen German soldiers of World War Two, speaking as a Jew, I would have no objection to that. Cenk raised the point, himself and then acted as if he had forgotten it - German soldiers weren't necessarily Nazis. I would want the Germans to mourn and honor the men they lost. For them to do otherwise would be for them to lose a piece of their humanity.


Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Young Turks / Are Alternate History Shows Harmful To Society?

+StylesusTNA That's a half truth. When America entered WWII, the front was certainly stalled and true, America was a minor power at the time, only able to make a major difference because the major powers had already bled each other dry. BUT without us in that picture, the War would have ended with German troops well inside of France, and major territorial gains at the expense of the Russian Empire. Without any position of strength to negotiate from, the allies wouldn't have been able to push anything like the treaty of Versailles, so no national humiliation and probably no Nazi rise to power. Adolf Hitler would be known only as a semi-obscure folk artist.


Friday, July 7, 2017

Post-WW2 Anti-Fascist Educational Film | Don't Be a Sucker | 1947

"+xXMapleVodkaXx That's pseudoscience. The harm done by inbreeding is due to matching deleterious recessive genes. The individual "races" have numbers large enough that mating within one's "race" does not appreciably increase the probability of such a match. Saying that multiracial people are superior to monoracial people is just another form of racism, and supporting that racism shows that you don't even understand basic biology on the high school level."


That's right. Google's system just engaged in censorship on behalf of racist pseudoscience, and human beings working at Google go on censoring reports of problems with their spam filter. Have I said "stay classy", yet? I ask, because I find myself having cause to say that almost every day with these guys.

This blog might not get posted to much more in the future. Not every ghosted comment of mine has been reposted here, yet, because there are too many of them. I'd estimate that over 50% of my comments, all of them as un-spammish and reasonable as this one, have been blocked from public view by a broken spam filter, the problems with which have been reported since 2013 (if not earlier). Google, to date, has replied in only one way - by, as a fellow victim put it, "covering their backsides." By censoring the problem reports and setting their filter to ghost comments that refer to "ghosting." They haven't been so bold as to take down the videos that raise the issue, not because the people on the staff are too principled to do that, but because they're sneaky little illegitimate children who want to avoid controversy, and so do what they do on the sly, acting while nobody is looking.

As a user, I'm angry about this and I should be. I think I'm done commenting on Youtube videos. There are some discussions I'm still in, so maybe I'll respond to responses I get, but given the high probability that my replies will be censored, mindlessly and pointlessly, I'm not sure I'll bother even doing that. I will say one thing, however, without concern for who I offend by doing so: the Internet needs governmental regulation, harsh, intrusive micromanaging governmental intervention, because the Free Market has failed to produce decent service or even civilized behavior on the part of the providers we are left dealing with.

When free market thinking is taken so far that companies are left free to manipulate public opinion by tampering with the flow of discussion, and by making thoughts disappear from the public dialog, support for the free market has been taken past the point of sanity.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

What Happened At #VidConUS 2017? / Sargon of Akkad

Sargon, at 29:32 I really feel the need to say something. I've been subscribed to you for a while, haven't heard all of your videos (yet), but if I had to describe you in one word, that one word would be "gentleman." I am dismayed by the thought that Patreon would want to distance itself from your content. On what possible basis could they object to it? You are reliably civil and reasonable. I hope that doesn't sound like damnation with faint praise, because those are getting to be rare traits. I'll listen to the rest of your video, but I felt the need to say how astonished I was by the treatment you've received and to praise you for the patience and restraint you've shown in your response to this unprovoked abuse.


Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Reason Why We Can't Live Forever

This was different. The following comment wasn't merely ghosted. The system wouldn't even let me post it. When I clicked the reply button, the box and the button partially faded out and then came back, but nothing posted. Never a dull moment with Google's software, is there? Though, given the number of Indian names on their staff listings, I must admit that I wonder if somebody might have deliberately built a booby trap into the software in case somebody posted a sentence to be found in the quoted would-be comment below, as an act of prior restraint. If, as I say that, I sound like I'm saying that I don't trust the people at Google to wield their power in an honorable manner, that's only because I don't. This was what I would have said, had I not been blocked.

"This is going to sound cold to some, but I'm going to say it anyway. F**k the Third World. I'm tired, very tired of hearing about what we're morally obligated to give up just because they wouldn't exercise a little restraint in reproducing."

in response to a comment that global overpopulation meant that human beings in the West had no right to want to live past 200. This is where my comment would have appeared


and I stand behind that comment, no matter how it might make somebody in Calcutta or Rio feel. Personal responsibility for personal choices isn't just valid at the individual level, it is valid at the civilizational level as well. Demands from India or China (or people living in those lands) that the West make sacrifice after sacrifice so that the people in their own countries be spared the natural consequences of their spiraling population growth are illegitimate, and as the Western countries currently have birth rates below replacement level, arguments that the West is contributing to that problem are laughable.